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We try to update The Spark at least monthly.  

creating a spark
Carrie Petersen

Meet Derek Oja

HI, I’M DEREK YOUR SPARK TEAM GOOGLE GURU 01 A LITTLE DITTY Derek was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, attending Washington High School and earning

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Attitude of Gratitude
a spark
Christa Nelson, MBA


A few years ago, I was part of a team that was asked to participate in a professional development program. We called it our growth

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August Spark
a spark
Christa Nelson, MBA

What the what 2020?

Many of us were just getting into a new groove in the “new normal”, (if you want to call it that), and BOOM – a HURRICANE

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John O'leary In Awe
a spark
Christa Nelson, MBA

In AWE of 2020!

New month new book. As many of you know, I have been on this book a month journey for a while and never have I

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