A few years ago, I was part of a team that was asked to participate in a professional development program. We called it our growth quad. It was all about growing as a team both personally and professionally. One of the modules was on gratitude. It challenged us to make a daily journal entry of 30 things we were grateful for for 30 days.
Seems easy, right? You should try it and let me know how it goes. The idea behind the practice was that if you repeat an activity for more than two weeks in a row, it would become a habit, and no longer just something to check off your to do list. It would transform from an attitude to a mindset. It would reprogram your brain to look for the good. What an amazing gift that was for me! I often return to the practice, especially if I am feeling overwhelmed or stuck.
So often, the million little things that happen in a day that we are grateful for can be so easily overshadowed by the one little hiccup or elephant in the room that seems to just randomly show up. There is so much goodness happening, even in the midst of all that 2020 has served up – just look for it and take note. This year has given me plenty to journal about, that is for sure.
In another module, we discussed communication and our love languages. My favorite way to show love is through acts of service. It is a blessing to be able to serve others and expect nothing in return. This past year – the 52 weeks leading up to my 50th – we really took serving others and acts of kindness up a notch. It was by far one of the most rewarding years of my life thus far. Giving back really is part of my DNA, so it wasn’t just a challenge for me. It was super rewarding, and it brought me such joy. As you can expect, we will continue to serve, and as always, we will continue share ways you can get involved in giving back with us.
The other three love languages that fill my love bucket are words of affirmation, quality time, and gift giving. With the holidays looking so much different this year due to COVID, I thought I would bring the gifts and great tidings of joy to you virtually. I called on a few friends and we have assembled some items for your enjoyment. Please scroll down – you will find some nuggets of wisdom, freebies (please feel free to share) and several gift certificates (don’t be shy, limited number, so act quickly) to local shops.
But first a few words of affirmation for you… I am so grateful for you. I am blessed to have you in my life and as part of my tribe. My prayer for you this holiday season and beyond is that you find the goodness in each day, and that it will far outweigh all the other stuff. I also hope that this will find you and yours in good health – mentally, physically, and spiritually. I wish you all a very lovely Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and happy holidays. If you are struggling and in need, please reach out. You are important to me. I will do what I can to help or get you connected with someone who can. Thank you for your continued support. It is amazing that we have been doing this woman-owned-small business thing for 20 years. I look forward to celebrating another Epiphany with you next year! Until then, take very good care!
With Love and admiration,
Your Epiphany Spark Team Leader
P.S. I have some sparking talented friends! THANK YOU for helping me spread joy and for sharing your gifts! My love bucket if full!
Virtual Caroling with a Rockstar…

Sing it loud… Sing it proud!
There is no better time of the year to warm up those vocals and sing along. I hope you enjoy holiday music … While I wish we were coming together with other songbirds to serenade you, virtual caroling will have to do. Please enjoy these holiday classics from one of our favorite local Rockstars. You can download more music from Naomi free through December 13th as our gift to you here. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE!
Thank Goodness for Boundaries & Empathy…
Sharable Gratitude Quotes
Gratitude Inspiration for You!
So many great quotes out there… Please right click over the images and download them for yourself. Share with friends and spread the love and gratitude to many. Maybe even start a 30 days of gratitude challenge with your friends and family – it is a great way to spark joy and is good food for your soul. Need more check out this link?
Show your gratitude. Buy Local!

25$ gift certificate to White Lion Treasures.
We have three gift certificates available – don’t be shy.… Please let me know if you would like to redeem a $25 gift certificate at White Lion Treasures. Michelle has many unique items to help you decorate for the holidays, create the best holiday table arrangements, or even get the perfect gift. You can shop safely with social distancing or request a private shopping time. <check out their page here>

25$ gift certificate to Roots!
Need a holiday wreath or planter… Or maybe you just want fresh cut flowers. No matter: Cassie and her team have just what you need. Please let me know if you would like one of three gift certificates I have. Don’t be shy, it’s first come first serve. Check out her site to see what all they have, drop in the store for safe shopping, or check with Cassie for delivery. <see more here>
Resources for the holidays and beyond…
More ATN goodness…
FREE Resource Alert.
ATN just launched their new trauma-informed, attachment-focused Resource Directory. <Check it out here>
ATN’s Virtual Conference…
ATN’s registration is open for their Virtual Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference – the largest gathering of trauma-informed educators who are dedicated to building resilience and improving children’s outcomes. FEBRUARY 15-18, 2021 Visit their website for more information or register here.

FREE Resource Alert.
International is excited to offer a new virtual program, Pandemic Parenting! Pandemic Parenting brings resilience building tips and practices for parents and families specific to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program can be accessed for FREE until the end of year by residents of Benton, Bremer, Buchanan, Delaware, Dubuque, Iowa, Johnson, Jones, and Linn Counties in Iowa. For more information or to register click here.

Give Back Opportunity
You can help out Marion Cares and their Angel Tree program where they partner with the local schools to brighten the holidays for children in need! You will buy 4 gifts for one child. Families can be adopted by signing up today. Contact Laura or Kelly at Marion Cares to help. Check out their website for other ways to give.

FREE Resource Alert.
Zoom recently announced that they will be lifting the 40 minute limit for Thanksgiving. By now everyone is Zoom SAVVY and Zoom says it’s just wants to say thanks. We think that is pretty sparking great! I know you may have Zoom fatigue, but sharing a meal or a game virtually is a great way to connect and this holiday.