What a wild ride the first half of our 50 weeks giving campaign has been. We have participated in countless acts of kindness and giving back campaigns. We had a blast and celebrated 4 sparking weeks with the National Resilience Institute, House of Hope, and the Marion Public Library so far. We still have 4 weeks with the Attachment and Trauma Network and Marion Cares coming up. And per usual, you all were sparking awesome, stepped up, followed their pages, and continue to share their content and support financially. Thank you – we so appreciate you. If you missed something, please check out our social media for social hacks and sponsored content (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram). Feel free to continue to amplify their voices; like, share, and help us support their mission. Now more than ever we can help!
Even Superheroes need a day off. We took the month of May off from campaigning so that we could recharge. Although we are not actively campaigning, we have been working tirelessly the last few months helping our clients through the pandemic. We donated time to closed companies and built two pro bono websites; one for a nonprofit and another for a small business. Both desperately needed a digital hub to drive traffic for sales and fundraising. It was our honor to partner with them during this pivotal time. As part of the Ambassador program we all united in sharing, shopping, and supporting our favorite local businesses. We were asked to document this support on social media by tagging the businesses as well as the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance and the Marion Chamber of Commerce using the hashtags #iowaunite #CRMarionAmbassadors. Check out the posts online to help support as well. It is always a good time to be kind and give back!
Grab your supersuit, as we begin to reopen and are entering once again into uncharted waters. This month’s blog discusses marketing and communications strategies beyond the pandemic. The flexibility and resilience we have demonstrated over the last few months while we pivoted, sometimes hourly on a daily basis, will be a valuable learned skill as we navigate towards the new normal. Now, more than ever, is the time to focus on authentic marketing communications. Check out a few thoughts for consideration.
If you need help getting the plan together, reach out. We would love to help you spark something in your new normal. If you would like to chat over a virtual glass of sweet tea, reach out. I would love to catch up and hear what you have going on. Cape or no cape, we are here for you.
With Love and admiration,
Christa – Your Spark Team Leader
P.S. To all the Supermoms out there, Happy Mother’s Day! We hope you have a super day! You are loved!