Hey Y’all – I have missed you!
As tactical marketers, we don’t pick our marketing channels based on which way the wind blows, nor do we choose them by what looks shiny and pretty under the sun. The choice to invest time and efforts into email marketing has been one of those strategic marketing decisions we rumble over regularly. We are often curious if readers are interested in what we’re sending out in the monthly newsletters, if they even notice or care if it shows up.
Well, an unintentional side effect of our first quarter being extremely busy, and the unresolved conversations over what to share this year was that we found out first hand… You do miss it. You do feel the information is relevant. Thank you to all those who reached out to check on us and to say you had missed the newsletter.
This is probably one of those “don’t do as I do” moments, but if you want to know if your email newsletter is reaching your people, don’t send it for a few months and wait for the responses to pour in. It is always a great feeling, but probably not textbook, especially from someone who is always preaching consistency in your comms plan. ツ
I know we haven’t sent one since December, and have so much to tell you, so let’s get to it. In the Spring Spark we are excited to announce the addition of Derek earlier this year. If you haven’t already had a chance to work with him, please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself. He also wrote this month’s blog: Bookmark These Free Google Tools ASAP. Lastly, I am also excited to announce we will be sharing the 2021 summer intern information officially with you next month.
With Love and admiration,
Your Epiphany Spark Team Leader

Meet Derek, your Spark Team Google Guru
Derek was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, attending Washington High School and earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing up on the hill at Mount Mercy. Throughout his professional career, Derek has managed nearly every aspect of marketing that there is, with industries ranging from tax software and equipment manufacturing, to breweries and healthcare practices. Read more

Bookmark These Free Google Tools ASAP- By Derek Oja
Let us start this post off with some mind-blowing facts about search engines, specifically the emperor of them all, Google: Read more
Check it out!
We redesigned our website and we are excited to share it with you. Lots of upgrades and improvements. To name a few, we’ve upgraded our spark team bios so you can better get to know our amazing team and see why they spark. We also wanted to show you how our clients are sparking, so we added some new portfolio items. We made some changes to the navigation, structure, and optimization of the site so it loads faster. We made search by keywords and sign up for our newsletter easier, making for a smoother visitor experience all around. We’ve made a few changes under the hood as well by updating our SEO, the platform, the server, and the theme. Have you visited our site lately? If not, give it a look and let us know what you think! Can’t find something? Let us know! If you’d like us to revitalize your site or build a new one contact us at [email protected] today.