Hello friends,
It is SUMMER TIME! I never really understood why my parents, who were teachers, looked forward to summer so much; until I taught full time. This last school year was tough on educators, students, and parents alike. I can see signs of burnout everywhere I look. I have instructed the Spark team to schedule downtime this summer and that is starting with me. I plan to take a few days each month this summer starting with a quick trip to Galena right after graduation. I know that if I don’t take the time, my productivity and creativity will suffer. I will not enjoy the work as much. I hope you set some time aside for self reflection and fun!
BUT before I go, I want to share some exciting news with you. The Spark Team’s Summer Intern is our very own Cam Nelson. We are partnered with JK Pushing for his unique learning experience. You can read more about what he will be doing this summer in the news release below. We have also added a Poodle PUP named Stella to the Spark Team. She has already brought so much joy and challenged us all the same. You can learn more about Stella and Cam with the links below. I hope you will reach out and introduce yourself. Please watch for upcoming posts by the two as they share what they are learning this summer.
As a professor and a small business owner who has hosted interns before, I am often asked about the process. This month’s blog touches on why this is so important for both the organization and the students. I also touch on some tips for consideration if you are entering into the process. If you would like to chat about this further, please reach out I would love to assist.
For now, please take good care.
With Love and admiration,
Your Epiphany Spark Team Leader
PS I am taking walking meetings again, but it is day to day if Stella will join or not. Some days she’s just not feeling the power walks.
The Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Petersen
I found this book helpful knowing I was not alone in these feelings. If you are feeling burnout, I am here for you. Let’s do iced tea or have a walking meeting. Listen here.

Nelson joins Team Epiphany Summer 2021 Intern Program
“As an educator and marketer I am a firm believer in the internship opportunity, as it gives students and aspiring professionals a chance to test the waters, so to speak.” Says owner Christa Nelson. “I am excited we are able to continue our summer internship program, and in particular this opportunity, with a very special intern. Cam is no stranger to Epiphany or the work as he has grown up helping us to spark.” Nelson added, “ It is every entrepreneur’s dream that their kids be interested in the business they have put their blood, sweat, and tears into. I say this everyday, but I am living the dream!” <read more>

Meet Stella
Stella is a black poodle puppy born in Nebraska who recently moved to her forever home in Marion, Iowa. In her young life thus far Stella has tried her hand at modeling, but found she doesn’t care much for staying still long enough to get the perfect shot and prefers to be behind the scenes. She is very PAWsionate about Barketing and can’t wait to learn and grow with her Spark Team at Epiphany.. <read more>

Meet Cam
Cam is the Epipahny 2021 summer intern. As part of the Summer Program, Cam will be partnered with JK Pushing Tournament, a part of the 4 Life Foundation. He will be shadowing the organization’s director, Jimmy Scroggins and serving as assistant to the tournament director for their summer basketball series in Arizona.. <read more>

Why hiring an Intern is good for everyone
As an educator and marketer I am often asked about internships. I am a huge fan of internships for many reasons, mainly this is a great way for young professionals to get their feet wet in an industry or with a company. Read more