As I approach my 49th birthday and begin to wrap up my 40’s – I am looking even closer towards what my legacy will be. I wanted to do something special leading up to and to celebrate my 50th birthday. I mean, all birthdays are worth celebrating, but come on, half a century deserves something special. As you know, at Epiphany we are all about giving back to our community and supporting nonprofits and small businesses with our gifts and talents. As a thought leader I have been challenging myself to ask more “what if’s” and “how might we’s”.
So what if we dedicated 50 weeks (there are 52 weeks in a year) to giving back with acts of kindness sprinkled about? What if we helped to amplify the voices of some of the nonprofits that we love and support. So for my 49th birthday, Team Epiphany has agreed to help me take on this 50 weeks challenge. Today – Happy Birthday to Me! – I am proud to announce the official kickoff of the #sparking50in2020 #50SparkingWeeks #ChristaSparking50 giving campaign. To celebrate we will have our first act of kindness giving free coffee to the first 50 people at Wit’s End our favorite coffee house.
Why you ask? Why not! If our act of kindness is contagious – maybe those 50 will gift the next 50 and so on. What could happen? No matter what happens it will be surely spark joy in someone’s day.
This is cool – how can I get in on it? Throughout the year we will be making announcements of what the acts of kindness are and who we are partnering with to carry them out, and how you (yes, you!) can partner with us to spark joy in your community this year. Please help us spread the word by liking, sharing, and joining in. If you have an idea or something you have been dying to do, please reach out we want to try and help you make that happen. It doesn’t have to cost myself or you any money. I could be just giving out hugs or high fives on a college campus or cleaning up a park. No matter if you could just tag us or use the campaign hashtags we will help you share your good works too.
We have already secured partnerships with a few other community members and influencers to carry out some acts of kindness – and we can’t wait to share all the details with you. It is our hope that through documenting and sharing these acts with you, our friends and family – and you too – will share and help encourage others to spark joy by spreading more kindness.
We will also be partnering with nonprofits who will get 4 weeks dedicated to amplifying their voices. Telling their story and why we love and support them. AND we will tell you how you might support them if you feel led. I hope you will help us get their message out to even more people by sharing the information with others in your network. You never know who these organizations might be able to help if we help them. We have already secured partnership with the Attachment & Trauma Network, The National Resilience Institute, the Marion Public Library, and Marion Cares We can’t wait to tell you more.
We hope this excites you as much as it does us and look forward to taking on this 50 week challenge together. If you are on your own giving mission, we applaud you, because giving back is always a good idea. We are all here to help the world be a better place and every day is a good day to do your part. If you need help creating a charitable campaign that works best with your mission and vision or choosing a cause to support we are here to help! Check out this month’s blog with tips on creating a charitable campaign.
We know we couldn’t do any of this without you. So thank you! We love sparking joy through giving and acts of kindness.

50 Weeks for Christa’s 50th!
Shout out to Tessa and the team who are all in for this campaign and have boldly gone where no one has before by sharing as many posts and photos about me than anyone should have to endure in one week.
As embarrassing as it all is, I am counting every blessing, letting go and trusting that now is the right time for this crazy BIG goal. I believe we can do it, because I know there are others out there longing to just go do good and bless someone. So, join us in #sparking50in2020 #50SparkingWeeks #ChristaSparking50 now – Oct 11 2020.SPARKing more JOY!