Epiphany Featured in #smallbizsalute by Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate

Today’s #smallbizsalute goes to Epiphany, a full-range marketing company owned by Christa Nelson and Anna Patty in Marion, Iowa. Epiphany opened January 1st, 2018 and just recently had their grand opening and ribbon cutting on May 25th. The two combined have 30 years of marketing experience and offer services such as strategic planning and fundraising, […]
Epiphany to Celebrate Successful Launch with Ribbon Cutting and Open House

Marion, Iowa – Epiphany, a Corridor marketing firm, will celebrate its successful launch with a Ribbon Cutting and Open House at the MEDCO Loft Coworking space located at 700 11th Street, Suite 201 in Marion on Friday, May 25. Owners Christa Nelson and Anna Patty will provide remarks as well as Marion Mayor Nick Abouassaly […]
Why Epiphany?

I am often asked this question and to answer this, I have to go back to the beginning. In 1999, Julie, whom I affectionately call my “sister from another mother” and I decided to start our own business. I was recently married and had a son on the way. She had just adopted a daughter […]