Hello friends,
Well summer is about over and our interns have gone back to school. It was a busy summer for everyone and as we head back into fall we hope you are safe and healthy. This newsletter is going to be dedicated to recapping what the interns worked on this summer. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did watching them grow through their experiences this summer.
Until next time – take very good care.
With Love and admiration,
Your Epiphany Spark Team Leader

Cam behind the scenes at the Casey photoshoot

Cam behind the scenes at the Megan photoshoot

Cam behind the scenes at the Olivia photoshoot

Cam Back to School

Stella gradutating summer prep school
(Photo cred: Apple Creek Kennel Training)

Stella helping at work

Stella practicing “Stay” at Grad School
(Photo credit: Apple Creek Kennel Training)

Stella Back to School Photo
(Photo cred: Apple Creek Kennel)

First Tournament Reflection
After being a part of my first tournament with the JKP organization I learned so many new tips and tricks on how to effectively run a youth basketball tournament.Now you may think it is a lot of work to run a basketball tournament, which it is, and all at the same time, there are lots of moving parts. Read More

Lessons Learned in this Hybrid Online World
In this new virtual hybrid online world we’re having to adapt, pivot, and connect with people in a way we’ve never had to do before. It’s unprecedented. Here are some lessons I’ve learned in the last several months… Read More