Hello friends,
Fall is my favorite time of year. The colors of the trees, the vibrant sunsets, the weather (cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon), the crisp air and tops off my jeep. We also see beauty in the harvest. The beautiful art on the land created by the farmers. A time to celebrate the hard work and reward of the last season. A time of year we see and embrace big changes.
I love the idea of falling away gently to make room for new life. Fall reminds us that some things die and change and that we need to change as well. That it doesn’t all have to be bad. How can we embrace change and let what isn’t serving us go? How can we take advantage of this time of renewing?
In the spirit of Fall, the season of change and letting go, we asked wonderful Epiphany client Angie Chaplin, (Chief Leadership Officer, Mindful Leadership) and trusted advisor Rina Jensen, (Mental Fitness & Resiliency Coach), to share some thoughts and tips with us on change. These lovely ladies with their expertise offered up some great tips below for everyone to think about.
Don’t forget to check out this months blog below as well, where we talk about how to make your work from home workspaces a little more efficient and comfortable. For years the craze was all ergonomic to make our workforce more efficient and productive. Now we are having them work from their kitchen counters. We dove in to answer some questions for our team. Some even shared their workspaces and what they feel is essential.
Until next time – take very good care.
With Love and admiration,
Your Epiphany Spark Team Leader

Angie Chaplin: “With change in the air this time of year, it’s helpful to consider how we are ‘Challenging the Process,’ one of The Five Practices from The Leadership Challenge; at work, at home, and in life. By intentionally seeking opportunities to stretch our comfort zone, we practice ‘outsight’ in looking for innovative ways to learn and grow. This might mean taking a class, learning a new activity, or switching up our usual routine to become more comfortable with the discomfort we often associate with change.” www.angiechaplin.com

Rina Jensen: “The ego is the facilitator of conflict. Our ego is made to keep us safe and convince us that things shouldn’t change. In this season of change, the best question to ask yourself is ‘How much of this resistance is my ego?’ An objective look at ourselves will help us to move forward, in the flow of the inevitable changes we will always face.” rinajensen.com

Ergonomics and Workspaces
In last month’s blog, Lessons Learned In This New Hybrid Online World , we mentioned some things that we have learned since having to WFH, but what wasn’t touched on was our workspaces and how we’ve had to learn and adapt to our homes now being our offices. Read More
Check out this website redesign we had the honor to do for Eastern Iowa Diaper Bank! This amazing collaboration between Eastern Iowa Health Center, YPN and many community partners, provides much needed diapers to families in need. You can join the movement and donate. Find out more on their website: https://eidiaperbank.org

“We still have over 50 students in need of winter gear (coats, snow pants, or snow boots). We believe this is a basic need not only to keep students warm but to also give an equitable opportunity for students to fully participate in recess. Sign up now to provide a local student with winter essentials: https://signup.com/go/dQcWQiu“