Marketing in Uncertain Times

With all that is going on it is important to stay calm. As thought leaders, professional communicators, and influencers, we can help our community best by being calm during this storm. We know that this, like any other difficulty we have faced, is temporary and to not lose hope. In a time where practicing social […]
Keeping Brand Integrity on a Shoestring Marketing Budget

With a tightening in the economy, marketing departments are being asked to find ways to cut expenses. While most marketing professionals would not advise drastically reducing marketing expenditures during an economic downturn, reality often dictates some budget cuts. What can you do if your marketing budget has been cut? Are there ways to do things […]
Finance vs. Fundraising

Every nonprofit knows both the finance and fundraising departments are critical to its success. So why does it always seem that the two departments almost never get along? Communication and understanding – or lack thereof – is typically to blame. The finance department needs a consistent monthly cash flow to ensure operations continue uninterrupted. The […]