Developing a Champion’s Mindset

For the past, I don’t know, eight years or so I have had the pleasure of attending the Hills Bank Administrative Professional Luncheon. Each year they invite clients to attend a lunch and typically have excellent speakers. I love meeting and talking to real people, and at each event I have met some amazing people […]
What do you want to be when you grow up?

“I used to tell people that when I grew up I was going to be a pediatrician. Why? Because I loved being around kids and I quickly learned that is was a pleasing answer for adults to hear… Now I think it is one of the most useless questions an adult an ask a child […]
The Gift of Knowledge – Brand Now Book Review

My friends and I like to play a fun little game from time to time. Periodically one friend sends an anonymous gift to another, then leaving the recipient to guess who the identity of their “Secret Santa.” It’s essentially a gratitude scavenger hunt of sorts. After the gift arrives, the receiver spends days trying to […]
Brand Identity – Crisis or Cool Beans

I recently attended an entrepreneurial networking event hosted by MEDCO designed to help like-minded business leaders connect and grow. They invite successful business owners to share their story. The idea is to share what has worked and lessons learned to help startups and business owners feel less like they are alone and help the entrepreneurial […]
New town, new store, new look

Just before Thanksgiving a power couple approached me for assistance in launching their new store in town. They knew how to set up and run a pet store, but needed assistance getting the word out. We spoke about their need for social media, public relations and digital marketing to start. In getting to know them […]
Crisis Averted – See that wasn’t so scary!

If part of your job description includes reputation management, you don’t have to look very far to find “scary” examples of employees, executives and even leaders putting their foot in their mouth. The thought of these public relations crisis scenarios are a marketers worst nightmare. It’s one thing when a movie star is caught doing […]