The Gift of Knowledge – Brand Now Book Review

My friends and I like to play a fun little game from time to time. Periodically one friend sends an anonymous gift to another, then leaving the recipient to guess who the identity of their “Secret Santa.” It’s essentially a gratitude scavenger hunt of sorts. After the gift arrives, the receiver spends days trying to […]
It’s all about the name… no trouble.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak at a local middle school’s career day. My task: expose young people to different careers. I gladly accepted the challenge, because if you know me you know, I love to talk about marketing and also have a passion for sparking something great in young people. During our interactive […]
New town, new store, new look

Just before Thanksgiving a power couple approached me for assistance in launching their new store in town. They knew how to set up and run a pet store, but needed assistance getting the word out. We spoke about their need for social media, public relations and digital marketing to start. In getting to know them […]